Sunday 10 May 2015

Hi Guys,
Im back doing another blog because it is fun and I really want to try to keep updating regularly.Now that I have that cheesy nonsense out of the way I can truely get into the topic of the blog,which is "My Hobbies".I have many hobbies but many people dont find them interesting or think im stupid for liking them but i learned in last week that if you listen to people to much,they will do anything to put you down and make fun of you,however i've learnt to ignore that and like the things that i want to like.I dont want this to turn all emotional,so let me tell you my hobbies.

I Love Soccer,its my life I dont play but
I LIKE IT A LOT(Anyone Get the Reference) ;) Let me know in the Comments if you do
Anywho,Soccer is like 75% of my life.I talk about it in school,at home with my family and on social media.I know all the scores and everything that goes on.I support Liverpool, but dont go hating because of that small detail.I like other teams to like Barca and Celtic because there good teams.I also love video games and Tv.My favorite games are Grand Theft Auto 5 (obviously have you seen that Game) and Heavy Rain.I love The Walking Dead Tv Series because of its story,characters especially Daryl and I wont lie its partly the reason for my blog name(but let's keep that between us,OK).

I Love YouTube and watching people such Pewdiepie,Jacksepticeye,Ksi and so many more.I even got tweeted by JSE which i think is pretty cool and as a fan it means a lot.I used to watch Wwe for years since i was 12,but ive lost interest in the last year because of all the good wrestlers are gone and the storylines are pretty awful,but despite that I still stay with it and know whats going on so i guess you could say im still a fan.And finally I love this,Blogging.It's Interesting and Fun to do and I like to express my interests with different majoritys of people in the blogging community.

So Ye,their is my hobbies and i really hope you like what I like and we can get in touch and discuss it.
Im going to leave it here and Ill see you guys,soon :)
